Can Christians Believe in Evolution?

Описание к видео Can Christians Believe in Evolution?

Everything that Atheists bring to the table either in Science about the universe or evolution or even the obvious in Biology, Looking at man and female Chromosomes, It all to me is a bit Far fetched.

This video is a Good one because It talks about how a hippo is actually a whale....
Hes a book to study more about it -

Never heard it explained like this before.
What do you think and if you are either a Christian or Atheist have a Look into this book - I don't have enough Faith to be an Atheist

The reason is that it has Loads of very Good points on why it's a tough road to go down not believing a creator, created the universe and Much more.

I encourage you to look at The Book if your serious about seeking;
Does truth exist?
does god exist
re miracles possible
Did Jesus really resurrect

Christians, this Book will just strengthen your faith!


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