The Primeval Current is Basically Hindu Cosmic Horror | Elden Ring Lore

Описание к видео The Primeval Current is Basically Hindu Cosmic Horror | Elden Ring Lore

Azur, Lusat, and the Crystalians could actually be seen as masters of yoga.

(Spoilers for Sellen’s questline.)

The primeval current is one of the most mysterious concepts in Elden Ring's lore. And there are some surprising parallels between that cosmic power and the real-world philosophy of yoga.

Yoga isn’t just about stretching and amazing leggings, it can also provide deep philosophical and psychological insights into understanding our world. And one of the most important texts for yoga is the Yoga Sutra by Patanjali. Composed around 2,000 years ago, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras consist of just under 200 short but incredibly complex aphorisms, or “sutras” (literally, “thread” in Sanskrit).

The Yoga Sutras can shed some light on the primeval current, the cosmic sorcerers Azur and Lusat, the Crystalians, Sellen, and the schools of graven mages.

The Yoga Sutras are absolutely fascinating and well-worth reading. Since each word in the text can have so many different meanings, read as many translations (and commentaries) as possible.

For starters, I’d highly recommend the versions by Barbara Stoler Miller or Swami Vivekanada; the former is great for understanding the philosophical underpinnings of the text (especially for Western audiences), while the latter is terrific at examining the more mystical elements.

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