"TRANSITIONS": A piano recital program of "Bridges and passages" - pianist Andreas Klein

Описание к видео "TRANSITIONS": A piano recital program of "Bridges and passages" - pianist Andreas Klein

An introduction to various pieces of a theme-oriented recital by pianist Andreas Klein's which represent stylistic changes and the composers’ new approach to old forms: sonatas and suites.

Ludwig van Beethoven
Sonata in D major, opus 10 No.3

Claude Debussy
Pour Le Piano

Sergei Prokofiev
Sonata No.3

Johannes Brahms
Sonata in F minor, opus 5

This Video is part of there series
A look into the repertoire that pianist Andreas Klein is performing in recital

Full Playlist:
   • BEFORE THE CONCERT: A look into the r...  

Andreas Klein YouTube Channel:
   / andreaskleinpianist  

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