StarCraft 2: Ladder Heroes - PLANETARY FORTRESS rush... for Defence!

Описание к видео StarCraft 2: Ladder Heroes - PLANETARY FORTRESS rush... for Defence!

This is a new series where I cast StarCraft 2 games sent in from viewers - our LADDER HEROES!

This was a gold league game between two Terrans. There are some odd strategies at play here. One player rushes a planetary fortress but not in a conventional way. There is a lot of action in this match and it is really fun to watch.

I hope you have enjoyed the video. If you have a replay that you would like me to cast, feel free to send the replay file to [email protected], or you can link up with me on Discord.

Thanks for watching and thanks to Moji for sending in the replay!

#starcraft2 #sc2 #rts

  / kyle_peeters  
  / isle_k  


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