To the Moon • Russ Olsen • GOTO 2014

Описание к видео To the Moon • Russ Olsen • GOTO 2014

This presentation was recorded at GOTO Aarhus 2014

Russ Olsen - Author of "Design Patterns in Ruby" and "Eloquent Ruby" ‪@russolsen3122‬

We all have moments that change the way we think, the way we look at the world, the things we want to do with our lives. On July 20, 1969 millions of people had one of those transforming experiences: Two men landed on the Moon and nothing was ever the same again. Why did we go to the Moon? How did we get there? What was it like to witness it all? And what does any of this have to do with writing software 40 years later? In this talk, Russ Olsen will take you back to a humid Sunday afternoon that changed his life. It might yet change yours.

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