My sister's keeper- life is beautiful

Описание к видео My sister's keeper- life is beautiful

READ PLEASE!!!! basically an extended trailer + movie summary all rolled into one. :) I just LOVE this movie and LOVE this song, so I put them together. I hope you can hear the voiceovers, i tried several times to get them audible enough over the music without hearing the underlying music from the actual trailer clips themselves. But in case you can't understand them, they are below....

0:02-0:04 Anna:"That's my sister Kate, she's dying"

0:05-0:13 Brian:"Having a child who's sick is a full time occupation...sure we still enjoy the usual day to day happinesses of family life, big house, great kids..."

0:14-0:22 Kate:"Wanna see our routine?"
Sara: "What routine?"
Anna:"Hey baby what's your sign?"
Kate: "Cancer."
Anna: "You're a cancer?"
Kate: "No i'm a leo,"
Kate, Anna, Jesse: "but i have cancer. boooo"

0:23-0:28 Brian: "...But beneath the exterior there are cracks, resentments that threaten the very foundation of our lives"

0:29-0:35 Anna: "My sister has been in renal failure for months now."
Campbell Alexander: "You're supposed to give her a kidney?"
Anna: "I want to sue my parents for the rights to my own body."
Campbell: "Could you repeat that please?"

0:36-0:42 Sara: "What is going on? Anna you're suing us?"
Anna: "I don't want to do it anymore mom. It's my body I want to be able to make my own decisions about what to do with it"

0:44-0:47 Brian: "From the moment we decided to genetically conceive I suppose it was our fault...."

0:48-0:50 Brian: "It's against her will, so how does that work?"

0:51-0:53 Brian "...we went against nature, we forced her to help her sister"

0:56-0:58 Sara: "she's gonna die!"
Brian: "You better come because if you don't, I want a divorce"

0:59-1:02 Brian:"...but somehow the very things that tore us apart..."

1:03-1:04 Sara: "I don't believe you, you are hiding something."
Jesse: "Just tell them!"

1:05-1:08 Brian:"...would bring us together in ways we could've never imagined"

1:10-1:11 Kate: "You know how brave you are?"

1:23-1:24 Kate: "Do i look pretty daddy?'

1:27-1:29 Kelly: "I know its important to you to feel like you never gave up"

1:32-1:35 Sara: "I'm not gonna let her know that right?"

1:44-1:46 Kate: "I'm sorry I let them hurt you"

2:05-2:08 Kate: "I don't mind my disease killing me, but it's killing my family too"

2:45-2:48 Anna: "Sometimes i wonder what would've happened if my sister had been healthy"

2:49-2:57 Sara: "It's hard to imagine that there was time before all this happened...when the kids were jut kids, and everyone was happy"


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