CSO horns in the Intermezzo from 'Cavalleria rusticana'

Описание к видео CSO horns in the Intermezzo from 'Cavalleria rusticana'

Members of the CSO horn section, David Griffin (from left), Oto Carrillo, James Smelser and David Cooper, principal, perform the Intermezzo from Mascagni's "Cavalleria rusticana," arranged for a horn quartet. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Chorus, with Riccardo Muti on the podium, will perform a concert version of the opera on Feb. 6-8, 2020, with guest vocalists Anita Rashvelishvili (Santuzza), Piero Pretti (Turiddu), Luca Salsi (Alfio), Ronnita Miller (Lucia) and Sasha Cooke (Lola). Videography by Todd Rosenberg


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