Fun Fold - Book Binding Fold with a twist -

Описание к видео Fun Fold - Book Binding Fold with a twist -

Welcome to our new collaboration, I really hope you enjoyed todays fun fold card tutorials, these cards are perfect to send in the post! To see what prompt we will be working tomorrow with, make sure to hit the bell so you will get notified when our videos go live. We would love you to join in using the hashtag #PostMas2024 on Social Media, we are looking forward to seeing your makes.
Here are the links to the other ladies' videos, make sure you hope over to see what they made today :)
‪@CraftingwithQuillingLady‬    • 1st Day of POSTMAS Winter MULTI FANCY...  
‪@MonikaWeclewskaakapaperMona‬    • 12 Days of PostMas NEW COLLAB Day 1 -...  
If you liked the papers and toppers I used you can get your own copy of the magazine over at ‪@CraftStashcoukTV‬


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