从少林秋风最后一场演出看千年禅武Shaolin Qiu Feng's Final Performance: A Glimpse into Millennia of Zen & Martial Arts

Описание к видео 从少林秋风最后一场演出看千年禅武Shaolin Qiu Feng's Final Performance: A Glimpse into Millennia of Zen & Martial Arts

不久前少林武僧秋风的去世让许多人扼腕叹息, 既为了他短暂如风的生命惋惜, 也为了少林禅武失去了一位优秀传人而心痛。我有幸在悉尼歌剧院亲身观看了少林秋风生前最后一场演出, 将从现场第一排拍摄的这些宝贵片段, 编辑成片,也让更多人了解秋风用生命热爱的禅武。

少林禅武,虽然源于达摩祖师, 但1500年间,无数江湖侠士, 在一生浪迹后, 归隐少林, 千年岁月把中华武功的精髓,沉淀于少林的一招一式,“天下武功出少林”的说法,也正源于此。

武,让人想到是非恩怨,逐鹿中原,而这一切的血雨腥风, 在少林化成了明月清风, 一切的恩仇过往,化作了慈悲为怀,一切的胜者为王,化作了苍生平等,一番教化后,天下之至“动“的武与天下之至静的禅和合,动静等观现本源, 万法无生万法生……

天下禅宗共祖, 百世慈悲尽交融
一花五叶之源, 万里天涯将愿弘
赤子心怀何系, 薪火相传禅意荣

Not long ago, the passing of Shaolin monk Qiu Feng left many people deeply saddened. They mourned both his short life, as fleeting as the wind, and the loss of an outstanding successor to Shaolin Zen and martial arts. I was fortunate to witness his final performance at the Sydney Opera House. I recorded these precious moments from the front row and edited them into a video to share with others, so more people can understand Qiu Feng's deep love for Zen and martial arts.

Shaolin Zen and martial arts trace their origins to the great master Bodhidharma. Over the course of 1,500 years, countless wandering heroes, after a life of roaming, have sought refuge in Shaolin. The essence of Chinese martial arts has been distilled into the movements of Shaolin, which is why people say, "All martial arts under heaven originate from Shaolin."

When we think of martial arts, we often think of conflicts, rivalries, and battles for supremacy. However, at Shaolin, these intense struggles are transformed into tranquility, where past grievances turn into compassion, where victory and defeat give way to equality among all beings. After a process of enlightenment, the dynamic nature of martial arts merges with the stillness of Zen, revealing the source of all things—a state where all phenomena are both nonexistent and existent.

For a thousand years, Zen and martial arts have stood strong, weathering countless storms. The Zen tradition unites all under one ancestor, with a legacy of compassion passed down through generations. From the source of the flower and its five petals, the wish to spread the teachings extends across the world. With a sincere heart, we carry on the spirit of Zen, ensuring its legacy continues to thrive.


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