Testing the 10.000 Cycle Hithium 280Ah batteries. Did I just get scammed??

Описание к видео Testing the 10.000 Cycle Hithium 280Ah batteries. Did I just get scammed??

So, guys, as promised, here is another fantastic battery test video from the Off-Grid Garage. This time we're going to test the new 280Ah prismatic cells with #10.000 #cycles ! Yes, they claim 10.000 cycles with these cells. And they were delivered to me as genuine #Hithum cells, but...
We will do the full capacity test of all 4 cells, measure the internal resistance AND... and having a look at the specs to find out if these are genuine or #fake cells. By just comparing them to the original Hithium cells, we can find some very interesting similarities. So whoever faked these cell did a pretty good job. Except for the barcode. Let me show you...

We also have a brief look at the charge and discharge curves while testing and I explain how to read these curves. As always, you can find the test results of these 280Ah, 10.000cycle cells here on my website together with instructions on how to access the curves: https://off-grid-garage.com/battery-d...

More info, specs and links where to buy the 280Ah cells with 10.000 cycles:
The cells are around US$115-$119, I forgot to mention that.

Charging LiFePO4 with different currents - Efficiency INSANE!
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Charging LiFePo4 (LFP) to 3.4V and 3.5V with and without Absorption. What a difference!
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All infos, product links and software downloads to the ZKETTech battery testers EBC-A20 and EBC-A40L: https://off-grid-garage.com/measureme...

Specs of both testers:
ZKE-Tech EBC-A20 Charger and Tester:
Test Voltage: 0-30V
Test Current: 0.1-20A
Charge Voltage: 0-18V
Charge Current: 0.1-5A

ZKE-Tech EBC-A40L Charger and Tester:
Test and Charge Voltage: 0-5V
Test and Charge Current: 0.1 - 40A

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**** These are the batteries you are looking for ****
🔋➡EVE LF280/304 LiFePO4 cells 3.2V/280+304Ah: https://off-grid-garage.com/batteries/
🌞➡Solar charge Controllers, Inverters and accessories: https://off-grid-garage.com/solar-cha...
🔧➡Tools, Analysers and Testers: https://off-grid-garage.com/equipment/
📈➡ Battery Tests and Results: https://off-grid-garage.com/battery-d...
🔌➡Batteries, charger and accessories: https://off-grid-garage.com/batteries-3/
⚡➡Cables, Inverters and Electronics: https://off-grid-garage.com/electronics/

The Sunfunkit DIY battery. Great product to build your own 12V battery. Use OGGA at checkout to get 6% off. Video Review:    • The Sun Fun Kit Experience. Building ...  

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