Improving outcomes for children and young people with musculoskeletal pain

Описание к видео Improving outcomes for children and young people with musculoskeletal pain

Up to 40% of children and young people can experience chronic musculoskeletal pain, and for some, this pain can persist into adulthood.

Our team at the Centre for Epidemiology Versus Arthritis are hoping to shed some light on children’s lived experiences of pain to improve their long-term outcomes. We want to do this by exploring similarities and differences in pain characteristics that children experience, as well as other pain influences, such as pain beliefs or behaviours.

The first step is to explore how pain is managed by healthcare professionals, including professional’s pain beliefs, pain assessment and management decisions, and whether personal beliefs about management align with what actually occurs in everyday clinical practice.

Help improve children and young peoples’ outcomes by taking part in an online questionnaire, if you are:
• A healthcare professional based in paediatric or adolescent rheumatology (worldwide);
• Have a role in decisions regarding patient’s management;
• Have experience working with children or young people with chronic musculoskeletal pain;
• Are fluent in English.

Fill in the online questionnaire here ➡️
To find out more about the team and study, visit ➡️


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