Welcome to Nesat Village - CAMBODIA - 2024

Описание к видео Welcome to Nesat Village - CAMBODIA - 2024

Nesat Village, or Phum Barang (Village of Foreigners), as the locals call it, is a new and upcoming village in the south of Cambodia.

In Nesat you'll find guesthouses, restaurants, cafes, bars, even a Tattoo artist and a graphic designer, should you need one. Several of the inhabitants in Nesat are from Otres in Sihanoukville and moved here after Chinese investors started buying up land there, and put casinos everywhere..

Foreigners are not allowed to own land in Cambodia, but through a series of contracts and agreements, the whole area of Nesat village is owned by a company that can sell you plots that you legally own. The area is perfectly situated in between a forest protected area in one end, where there will be no future development, and the beach a few minutes in the other direction. A little slice of paradise.

Simen and Katrine also have a project in Nesat, and we are so excited to see how it is moving along after they had 2 workshops there last year. They build with a material called aircrete, a mixture of cement, water, soap and air:) There are tons of interesting building methods here, and more and more cool places pop up all the time.

Should you ever go to Cambodia, this is a really cool place to stop by!

Thanks so much for watching:)


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