Danny Tan's Throwback #168
The female host asked the audience who the winner was. They shouted "Manila". The male host asked them the second time. Still they shouted "Manila". Ms. REGINE VELASQUEZ was hands down the crowd favorite to win! After Jakarta (Indonesia) was announced the 1st Runner Up, he immediately congratulated Regine before she was even announced the winner. From day one of the rehearsals up to the finals night, he was still convinced that he could beat Regine and for that I really admired his fighting spirit. Unfortunately for him, Regine was really unbeatable that night. If his heart was that of a lion, Regine's heart was of a fierce, strong and brave lioness! I remember telling Regine that the Indonesian was her fiercest competitor. Instead of cowering in fear, she fought back with all the skill set she amassed through the years of fierce singing competitions. Truly the mark of a great champion! That tiny frame of hers seemed like the Great Wall of China to most of the contestants that night!

After winning the Grand Prize of the 1st ABU Golden Kite World Song Festival on October 1, 1989, GMA7 designated me again as the musical director and arranger of Regine, the Philippine entry to the Asia Pacific Singing Contest in Hong Kong. Held on December 23, 1989, Regine wowed the judges and audience. She unanimously won the Grand Prize!

BACKSTORY: All contestants were required to sing two songs. Regine’s management team chose “Don’t Rain on My Parade” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone”. I was okay with "You’ll Never Walk Alone" since I was confident I could re-arrange it as a competition piece but I told Project Director Mr. Bobby Barreiro and Project Coordinator Marla Teopaco that Regine would have a greater chance of winning if she sang “And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going” instead of “Don’t Rain on My Parade”. At that time, “And I Am Telling You” was only popular with theater personalities but totally unknown among pop artists. I insisted on this song so I asked Ms. Nanette Inventor to let Regine listen to the song first and help me convince her. Finally, she agreed and soon piano rehearsals at the house of Ms. Marla followed since we had barely two months to prepare. For “You’ll Never Walk Alone”, I asked her to execute the vocal glissando (slide) before attacking the “wa-a-alk on” leading to the climax. For “And I Am Telling You” cadenza, I suggested another glissando and the last four notes of “lo-o-o-ve” before “me”! During the registration of delegates upon our arrival in Hong Kong, I could actually overhear delegates asking the secretariat if the Philippines had an entry. The other delegates could not help blurting out in jest “let’s just go home because we will just be contending for the 2nd & 3rd prizes" after confirming that we had an entry. I knew most of the delegation heads of the participating countries because I competed with them at the ABU Golden Kite World Song Festival two months prior. They already congratulated me for an impending win before the contest even started. While listening to a very slim sixteen year old Regine rehearse, all the contestants conceded except for the Indonesian entry. He only conceded backstage immediately after Regine’s performance during the Finals! At the tension-filled Finals Night, I remember the Korean entry gracefully collapsing onstage after her performance. Initially, we thought it was part of her unrehearsed choreography. Everybody applauded including the performers backstage. Then we sensed something was wrong because she was still on the floor even after the applause died down. She had to be carried offstage by the production crew! In contrast, Regine was so calm. We knew that her closest competitor was the Indonesian singer but kudos to her, she never backed down when presented with this huge challenge. In fact, it even motivated her more to summon all her strength and vocal prowess to clinch the victory! This was how I remembered the events leading up to the Grand Prize award of the Philippines and Regine.

AND I AM TELLING YOU I'M NOT GOING - December 23, 1989
Musical Director, Instrumental & Vocal Arranger: Danny Tan

Special thanks to Mr. Bobby Barreiro and Ms. Marla Teopaco for trusting my instincts and capabilities, Ms. Nanette Inventor for helping me convince Regine, the management of Regine, Mang Jerry and most especially Ms. Regine Velasquez for the wonderful memories!


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