Inde-Car is live

Описание к видео Inde-Car is live

The so-called "Commonwealth" Games are about as popular as a fart in a spacesuit, so why does the unelected list msp Anas Sarwar get to pronounce Glasgow taking on the poison chalice as a "No-brainer"?

There will never be any English flamingos nesting on the southern edge of Loch Lomond. The national park & its vast natural beauty, will remain unmolested by foreign cut price theme parks. All due to a decade of Scots resistance & public anger.

57% of us want a new Independence ballot, after the huge UK anti- independence onslaught by three UK parties, English controlled newspapers making illegal vows & the UK state propaganda monopoly only just managed to force Scots to drop opposition to the union in 2014. Yet the demand to exercise our UN right to leave the union is now even stronger. Almost 6 out of 20 voters demand a new ballot.Inde-dination quick is just below:


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