Hail to the Chief! Mystery Abscess on a Bannitup Bull

Описание к видео Hail to the Chief! Mystery Abscess on a Bannitup Bull

Q84 has a funny little abscess in an awkward location. What the heck! Maybe a hematoma from a kick from a mate, maybe a hematoma from a broken rib from a mate… these young sale bulls play hard! He certainly doesn't like being restrained, but this is pretty common for young bulls. The skin over abscesses are numb both due to distension of the skin and disruption of nervous innervation from the large volume of abscess material directly under the skin! Lucky this is so, as there is no where to place lignocaine either! So, we work quickly and as you can see once he walks out he is cool, calm, and collected. Back in with his mates. Had we sedated him, they would likely take advantage of their opportunity to bring Q84 down a peg or two... which is why we don't sedate these fellas. Back to the paddock for him and his scaly mates! Hopefully now he can find his forever (average of three seasons) home and start making babies! Hail to the chief!


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