A Schilling Robotics Heavy-Duty ROV

Описание к видео A Schilling Robotics Heavy-Duty ROV

If you are carrying out an idea of designing your own Human Occupied Vehicle (HOV) for deepsea working or research, it could be very useful to take a look at the modern Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV). Soon or later you will find yourself comparing the abilities and characteristics of both vehicle classes trying to find out how to make your own design competitive.

This one from Schilling Robotics operated by ROVOP, as seen on WindEnergy Hamburg exhibition, is a piece of state-of-art subsea technology. And probably the most expensive unit the money can buy off the shelf.

Depth Rating - 3000 m
Length x Width x Height - 2,5 x 1,7 x 1,9 m
Payload - 250 kg
Thrusters with up to 900 kg peak thrust powered by a 112 kW hydraulic power unit


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