Описание к видео ZAK

Zak Tessier is one of the most dedicated, committed, experienced, and skilled wingsuit BASE jumpers that we have ever met... and this is how Zak flies his Squirrel AURA.
Zak Tessier is a bit of an odd duck - if you have hung out much in Lodi, CA, or Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland, then you’ve probably met him - living out of a van, living to jump – and you probably sensed his intense dedication to our sport, and for pushing himself to a higher level each day. His raw, frothy passion for BASE is almost freakish, and can make a normally passionate jumper feel somewhat lame and part-time by comparison.
If you’re seeing him for the first time in this whacky video, then there are a couple of things you need to know: First, Zak has built these tricks on a foundation of fifteen years of freeflying experience and 8,681 skydives. He has 1,568 BASE jumps and just this year alone he has completed almost 800 BASE jumps in the US and Europe, the vast majority of them being wingsuit BASE jumps in the Alps. He is at a level of practice, currency, and dedication that very few people on planet earth have ever achieved in wingsuit BASE jumping.


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