Aggressively treating brain worm / deer worm in goats.

Описание к видео Aggressively treating brain worm / deer worm in goats.

Treating brain worm in goats is an imprecise venture. In this video we follow the guidance of a livestock vet to try to combat this fatal ailment in one of our most loved goats, Valentine.

Valentine was our first (and only) bottle baby goat. Valentine lived inside during the time he was feeding on the bottle and the bond we have with him grew due to it.

Unfortunately a short time ago Valentine became lame. Unable to walk and now limited to only being able to move the upper parts of his torso. We searched the internet everywhere for information and touched base with a vet to try to give Valentine a fighting chance. In this video we go over everything we are trying to cure him.

00:00 Intro
10:53 Drug breakdown
13:52 Injections
17:43 Oral medications


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