Microfluidics Webinar: Advantages of Roll-to-roll Manufacture in Microfluidics

Описание к видео Microfluidics Webinar: Advantages of Roll-to-roll Manufacture in Microfluidics

The Microfluidics Innovation Hub webinar series continues with our panel of experts from Joanneum Research, Temicon, Micronit, Inmold and micro resist technology. Watch and listen as we discuss the Advantages of Roll-to-roll Manufacture in Microfluidics.

The webinar is moderated by MIH General Manager Ronald Tingl and features Anja Haase, Janine Brommert, Jan Kafka, and Alvaro Conde as presenters.

Watch and learn more about our Roll-to-roll technologies for high-throughput manufacturing and how they can revolutionize your microfluidic device production.

Visit our website to find out more: https://www.microfluidicshub.eu/


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