MGR:R BLADE WOLF New Game 最高難易度で"駿狼"取得ALL S

Описание к видео MGR:R BLADE WOLF New Game 最高難易度で"駿狼"取得ALL S

メタルギアライジングリベンジェンス 追加コンテンツ「ブレードウルフ」プレイ動画。

VR5..."retry" だから "restart" でも "continue"でもない!一緒だけどね...


Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance DL-Story-02 BLADE WOLF

The restrictions against restarting fell apart in the "VR5"...
but it was lucky that the failure in VR missions isn't counted as "how many times you continued" at the final result...

Difficulty: Revengeance

Achieving the title "Deadly to its Prey(駿狼)" by completing the game in less than 40 minutes.

No recovering items used.


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