Nashville Spice Company Merken Spice

Описание к видео Nashville Spice Company Merken Spice

Introducing one of our new spices – Nashville Spice Company Merken Spice. If you have an addiction to chile or chile powder-based blend of spices, then you must try our Merken Spice. It tastes smoky, earthy, with a bit of heat and some saltiness to it. Our Nashville Spice Company Merken Spice is hand blended with smoked paprika, goat’s horn chiles, sea salt, and coriander.

You can use it anywhere that you would use paprika, including goulash. Try sprinkling it on pasta dishes or on lentils. It’s wonderful on roasted vegetables, particularly potatoes or carrots. Combine it with radishes and cauliflower as well, as the smoky flavor compliments these hearty vegetables quite nicely. This is a blend that can be used on anything that needs a hint of chile flavor and works for people who want that earthy, smoked taste but don’t want to invest in a smoker.


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