How The Sith Rose To Power | STAR WARS LEGENDS TIMELINE #3

Описание к видео How The Sith Rose To Power | STAR WARS LEGENDS TIMELINE #3

Hello and welcome to part 3 of the legends timeline. So far we have discussed the creHello and welcome to part 3 of the legends timeline. So far we have discussed the creation of the galaxy and the rise of the Republic. We start this video 7000 years before the battle of Yavin, at a time when the Republic seemed unstoppable. There hadn’t been any galactic scale wars in many thousands of years and many new worlds such as trandosha, malestere and Elrood flocked to join the republics flourishing economy. Technology was improving at an unprecedented rate, with progress and enlightenment being the defining feature of this era. It seemed that the future was bright and peaceful. But unfortunately, this time of peace was not to last as two warrior like factions would soon challenge the Republic. And ironically, the most consequential of these factions would arise directly out of the Republics successes.

The progressive way of thinking that was dominating the Republic began to seep over to the Jedi order and many members began to question the Jedi’s isolationist teachings. Cosmic disasters, famine and disease still regularly wiped out entire planets and despite technological improvements many trillions of beings still lived in abject poverty. These Jedi began to use the force with the intention of improving the lives of those around them. Force organisations of the distant past had experimented with forms of advanced force healing, rapid plant growth and even immortality in a bid to aid the citizens of the galaxy. However, as we explored in part 2 of this series, many of these groups had been wiped out by the Jedi alongside Xendor and his legions of Lettow. These practices were suppressed and banned by the high council but knowledge of Xendor and his followers lived on. As a result of their desire to improve the galaxy, many of these Jedi began to sympathise with Xendors quest to explore the force, even abilities that had long been forbidden.

This group of Jedi, led by ajunta Pall, Xoxaan and Karness Muur began experimenting with the force, finding they could influence living beings to create creatures subservient to their will. These Jedi theorised that such powers could heal long dead worlds, end suffering and even end death itself. However, the high council reacted in a similar manner as they had to Xendor many years before, shunning them and declaring them heretical dark Jedi. Not wishing to give up their powers, the dark Jedi called on other Jedi to join their ranks in their quest to create a galactic utopia.

Despite their rallying cry, the dark Jedi were still few in number and stood no chance against the Jedi and their allies in the Republic. Using their newfound powers, they raised armies of animalistic creatures in the hopes of somehow achieving victory.

This war waged on one hundred years, with the dark Jedi seemingly always on the back foot. Their desperation led them further down the path of the dark side and during the second half of the war began creating fearsome abominations such as the leviathan to reinvigorate their armies.

Partly due to infighting amongst the dark Jedi ranks and also due to the brave actions of Jedi knights and Republic armies, the dark Jedi were eventually cornered on the world of Corbos. After sustained bombardment of the planet, the dark Jedi finally surrendered and the hundred year darkness was finally ended.

Despite calls for public executions, the Jedi and Republic instead ruled that exile would be a fitting punishment for these dark jedi. They loaded them onto transport ships and send them careering into the unknown regions. The Jedi and Republic believed that once again, the dark side had been quelled from the galaxy, but in reality their troubles were only just beginning.

The dark Jedi exiles landed on a desolate and war torn planet. This planet was of course korriban, the homeworld of the Sith species. The dark Jedi quickly used their powers and technology to overpower their king and took control over the already dark side inclined species.

Adjunta Pall, the most powerful dark Jedi, declared himself the first dark lord of the Sith, swearing that the Sith would one day destroy the Jedi and the Republic as retribution for defeating him.

Using advanced technology and powerful dark side techniques, the Dark Jedi transformed the primitive Sith Empire into a force that would one day threaten the entire galaxy.

Elsewhere in the Galaxy, another proud and warlike species was slowly growing in power. After being driven from coruscant by the precursors of humanity, the tuang had spent almost 200,000 years in exile on the world of roon. However, their obscurity was not to last.

Around 7000 years before the Battle of Endor, a warlord united the Tuang, claiming the title of Sole Ruler, or Mando'a in the taung language.

The united Tuang reembraced their warrior culture, claiming a jungle world in the outer rim.


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