God's Excessive Grace | Mary Alice the Writer Blog

Описание к видео God's Excessive Grace | Mary Alice the Writer Blog

Hello! Mary Alice here 👋

Time for a video blog, I have some thoughts I want to share that will help reframe your thoughts toward God's Grace, EXCESSIVE Grace! Let's dive in!

We are familiar with “for example” i.e. E.g.

But let’s consider, for example, E with a capital G.
For it has great meaning for you and me!

I am talking about “Excessive Grace”
Excessive - immoderate, lavish.
My grace is “sufficient “ for you.”
Sufficient = adequate

When is anything God does,
just adequate?

Hang in with me
I am suggesting you and I see
God’s grace elevates,
“lift’s above.”

I am suggesting
our earth-born view
takes the tone of
“just getting through”
You know,
“By the grace of God”

I am thinking that’s
a “I just got by”
“narrowly made it”
limiting view of what He
provides for me and you.

What if we considered
E.g. to mean
Excessive Grace!
Would that not put our
entire outlook
in a different place?!

So you and I are the ones who
limit or allow.
The latter will surely
take the frown from our brow!

I am moving out of
just enough
and be lifted to excessive,
more than enough.

Learn more about Mary Alice by visiting her website,

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