Can Panic Attacks Be Life-Threatening? Prevention & Control Tips! || Dr Affan Qaiser

Описание к видео Can Panic Attacks Be Life-Threatening? Prevention & Control Tips! || Dr Affan Qaiser

Dr. Affan Qaiser is a renowned Gastroenterologist and Transplant Hepatologist in Pakistan. He is currently serving as a Senior Consultant and Assistant Professor of Transplant Hepatology and Gastroenterology at Gambat, Pakistan's largest liver transplant program.

He also holds the positions of Head of Gastroenterology, Director General & Transplant Hepatology at Shahida Islam Medical Complex, Lodhran, and CEO & Executive Director of Liver Town, Multan. Additionally, Dr. Qaiser is the General Secretary of the Pakistan Society of Liver Cancer and an Analyst & Strategic Lead at UrduPoint Network (

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