StartUp Dehydrator 10 Trays Start Your Business with Eco Dehydrators

Описание к видео StartUp Dehydrator 10 Trays Start Your Business with Eco Dehydrators

10 Tray Start-up Dehydrator by Eco Dehydrators is Best suitable machine for new Dehydration Business Startup. This is Fully Automatic Dehydrator is very easy to Operate, Anyone can operate Dehydrators with Basic Instructions.

Special Features of Dehydrators
1) Single Phase
2) Stainless Steel Tray SS 304
3) Fully Automatic
4) Easy to Operate

• We can choose Plain or Perforated as per your product requirement.
• For green leafy vegetables and Fruits we can use Perforated tray , due to perforation hot air comes in contact from Upper side and Bottom side.
• Plain Tray can be used for greavy, liquid and ready to Cook products.

• Trolley with Wheel is additional accessories for easy movent of Dehydrators Machine.

• Will provide operating guidelines and Temperature chart along with Dehydration Machine

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Dehydration Machine India
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भाजीपाला प्रक्रिया उद्योग | फळे व भाजीपाला प्रक्रिया उद्योग | Vegetable Dehydration Businesses in Marathi |


भाजीपाला प्रक्रिया उद्योग
फळे व भाजीपाला प्रक्रिया उद्योग
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कृषी प्रक्रिया उद्योग
शेतमाल प्रक्रिया उद्योग
प्रक्रिया उद्योग
प्रक्रिया उद्योग माहिती
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