'Melius Una Drumline' by Yoronami & Taiko Bastards @ Yasáááh!

Описание к видео 'Melius Una Drumline' by Yoronami & Taiko Bastards @ Yasáááh!

Having fun with Jonathan Kirby's 'Melius Una' taiko song.

• 'Melius Una' is written and shared by Jonathan Kirby for and via www.eurotaikoexpo.com/meliusuna
• 'Melius Una Drumline' is Annick Robberecht's version of the original, shared with the Free Art License v1.3
• Performed by Yorokai & Taiko Bastards at the Yasáááh concert, organized by Yorokai & InnerDrum on December 10 & 11, 2022 in Brecht and Haaltert (Belgium).
• Lights by Koen Van Puyvelde
• Filmed by Ingmar Kikat & Kiri Duhoux
• Edited by Kiri Duhoux



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