Great Value Pack👏! MG 1/100 Gundam F91 Ver. 2.0 Back Cannon Type & Twin V.S.B.R. Set Up Type Review

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Gundam F91 Twin VSBR Type:

A variant of the original F91, the new backpack equipped two more VSBRs which will combined to total of four. The four VSBRs are an improved version of the original and have auxiliary thrusters, boosting the mobile suit's thrust. It was unsure whether this unit deployed to the battlefield or not.

Gundam F91 Heavy Weapons Type (Back Cannon Type):

The Heavy Weapons plan is an alternative plan created by SNRI, if the development of the VSBR is unstable, the Heavy Weapons plan will be the final conclusion. The noticeable changes include bigger shoulders that contained additional thrusters and bigger heat radiation fins. The VSBRs are replaced by two Beam Gatling Guns and two Anti-ship missiles on top of each Gatlings. However, this variation never came to life as the VSBR development was successful.

Weapons: (Twin VSBR Setup & Back Cannons)

Vulcan Gun: A pair of them mounted on the head, they're served as a mid-range defensive weapons, they have fast fire-rate but poor power, it will be used to shooting down incoming missiles, small targets or interrupting close-range enemies.

Mega Machine Cannon: A pair of them mounted on the chest, they're stronger than the Vulcan Guns and able to damage MS during close range battles.

Beam Shield: Two of them on the Gundam F91, one of them mounted on the left forearm and the other one in the right side skirt. The beam shield generates a plane of energy similar to the blade of a beam saber and can block both beam and projectile weapons. The energy can automatically turn on and off to reduce the energy consumption. Since the Beam Shield had its own energy condenser, it could be used as a throwing weapon.

Beam Rifle: A rifle specifically made for Gundam F91 or 15m tall MS, the output was adjusted to suit the generator output. It can fire normal or long-range beams, or it could adjust as rapid fire mode like a Beam Machine Gun. It's powered by a rechargeable E-Pac and can be stored on the rear skirt armor.

Beam Saber: Two of them stored on the left side skirt, a standard armament for most of the MS during that era. It will emit a beam that shaped like a blade cut through any armor without a proper treatment. The Beam Saber technologies were improved during that era, the output can be adjust to form a more powerful and durable beam.

Beam Launcher: An optional equipment for the Gundam F91, it can be stored on the rear skirt armor when not using it. This weapon is a large calibre beam weapon powered by a replaceable e-pac and fires low-velocity beams with high destructive power.

Variable Speed Beam Rifle (Twin VSBR): Short form as V.S.B.R., it could choose two type of beams to fire: a low-speed beam with high destructive power, or a high-speed beam with high penetrating power to penetrate Beam Shield or two MS at the same time. The Twin VSBR type has four VSBRs on the backpack, two on the top and two on the bottom. When deployed, the top pair will fire over the shoulders and the bottom pair will extend and reveal two handles for the F91 to hold it. The Twin VSBR backpack also contained additional thrusters for letting the Gundam F91 to keep the mobility.

4-Barrel Beam Gatling Gun (Back Cannon): A replacement options of the standard Gundam F91, the pair of Gatling Guns will simply attached on the back. When deployed, the guns will rotate and positioned under the shoulders, the barrels will extend and ready to fire. But unlike the VSBRs, the handle of the Beam Gatling Guns were fixed.

2-Tube Anti-ship Missile Launcher (Back Cannon): They're located at the top of each Beam Gatling Guns, mainly used as mid-to-long ranged bombardment. but because they're ballistic projectiles, it's very effective against target with Beam-Resistance.

MS Built: MG 1/100 Gundam F91 Ver. 2.0 Back Cannon Type & Twin V.S.B.R. Set Up Type
Built Time: 20 Hours
Edit Time: 6 Hours


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