Transform Your Marketing Masterclass - Full Presentation

Описание к видео Transform Your Marketing Masterclass - Full Presentation

This 'Transform Your Marketing masterclass' was delivered by Christopher Lamotte at Real Marketing Transformation.

The marketing masterclass starts with the typical marketing challenges that Christopher has seen at many of his 250 plus SME (SMB) clients. Then covers the 7 ways you can fix your marketing and transform your business's fortunes.

Typical marketing painpoints that small businesses face are:

- Sales pitch is weak.
- Have a website that under-performs.
- Not enough time for marketing.
- SEO and Google ads are complex, mysterious, expensive.
- Lack marketing budget.
- Weak marketing skills, particularly strategy.

And there are more...!

They’re confused about marketing and don’t know what to focus on. They’re stressed, unhappy and badly rewarded. Their business grows slowly and can’t achieve its full potential.

What’s the real problem? They don’t have a clear, solid marketing strategy.

So, the presentation has a strong focus on the fundamental importance of needing to have a marketing strategy to underpin your marketing. How do you create one, and what's important?

The talk then goes on to cover in detail, 5 more approaches that will transform your business's marketing, including: the 3 main ways to grow your business; the importance of your sales pitch; the need to focus on conversion rates; the the value of embracing email marketing; and the power of video marketing.

Who am I? I'm Christopher Lamotte MRICS MBA MCIM DipDigM -
Chartered Marketer, Growth Coach & Marketing Evangelist

I aim to transform my clients’ businesses with holistic, professional marketing consultancy and growth coaching.

My clients benefit from 30 years of experience, supporting more than 250 businesses with advanced, multi-channel marketing:

- From, developing clear practical strategies, increasing prices and profits, repackaging products, and creating high-ranking, converting websites.

- To, raising profiles, and making sales with content, PR, LinkedIn, email and video marketing.

If you'd like to learn more, please contact me, Christopher Lamotte, at Real Marketing Transformation, via for a coffee. I'd love to hear your marketing challenges and share some marketing ideas.

Learn more on my website:


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