Malnar vrijeđa Ševu i Stankeca

Описание к видео Malnar vrijeđa Ševu i Stankeca

Noćna mora Željka Malnara bio je noćni talk show hrvatske televizijske postaje OTV, a potom Zagrebačke Televizije Z1. Autor Željko Malnar počeo je s emitiranjem anti-showa 3. listopada 1992., subotnjim noćima od 22:00 do 3:00 (ponekad do 4:00 ili čak 6:00). Emitiranje Noćne More službeno je završilo 26. lipnja 2010. Pored pokojnog Malnara stalni članovi noćne more činili su neobični zagrebački susjedi s nadimcima Cezar, Tarzan, Jaran, Remzo, Laki i pokojni Ševa iz ulica Peščenice. Malnar je tobože proglasio u Peščenici nezavisnu Republiku Peščenicu s njim kao predsjednikom. Njegov kabinet činili su njegovi susjedi. Često je bio slučaj da su se gledatelji koji se telefonski uključe u show počeli obostrano vrijeđati s domaćinima i gostima showa.Ponekad Malnar je kazao gledateljima „Jadnici, ugasite televizor i idite spavati! Idiote, zar nemas pametnijeg posla, nego gledati televiziju u tri ujutro! Hajde, laku noć! Što je, bijedniče, nemas novaca za biti vani, nego mene moraš gledati na svome malom televizoru crnobijelom?“
Nightmare Stage naziv je Malnarove kolumne koja se redovito objavljivala u tjedniku Globus. 2002. godine Noćna mora ugostila je Dennisa Rodmana, koji je u Zagreb došao samo zbog sudjelovanju u showu nakon što mu ga je njegov prijatelj Hrvat pokazao putem interneta. Z1 Televizija promijenila je satelitsko emitiranje; od listopada 2009. promijenjeno je s Hotbirda na Atlantic Bird, tako da brojni obožavatelji širom Europe, koji su show pratili putem satelitskog programa, od tada više nisu mogli pratiti show. Popularni član Noćne more Zvonimir Levačić - Ševa preminuo je 5. svibnja 2010. Vijest o smrti legendarnog Ševe objavile su i velike hrvatske medijske kuće. Tri godine kasnije, 9. srpnja 2013, preminuo je i autor Noćne more Željko Malnar.

Nightmare Stage (original title in English, later also in Croatian Noćna mora Željka Malnara) was a late night talk show hosted by maverick traveler and author Željko Malnar. It was broadcast live on Croatian TV station OTV from October 3, 1992 to June 25, 2005, then picked up by Z1 from October 1, 2005 until the show's end on June 26, 2010 The contact anti-show pushed the boundaries of Croatian television programming. Its air time varied during its run, starting at 10:00 p.m. or midnight on Saturday night, with flexible ending time typically between 3:00 and 6:00 a.m. The host threw all tact and taste through the window, taking rough manners from the street to the screen without either diluting them with etiquette or stylizing them for theatrical effect. He regularly asked his guests uncomfortable and aggressive questions in order to expose their flaws, often escalating to flat-out insults which the guests frequently reciprocated.
Nightmare Stage was also the title of a column written by Malnar regularly appearing in the weekly Globus. In 2002 Nightmare Stage hosted Dennis Rodman who came to Zagreb solely for the program after a Croatian friend brought the show to his attention via internet streaming. Upon the customary taking of telephone calls, many female viewers flirted with Rodman and openly proposed him sex whereupon he readily invited them to his hotel room, giving the address on air in the studio.The show has also hosted many famous people from Croatia, including: Stjepan Mesić, Josip Manolić, Miroslav Tuđman, Tomislav Merčep, Boris Mikšić, Anto Kovačević, Davor Štern, Hrvoje Šarinić, Vesna Škare-Ožbolt, Slaven Letica, Žarko Puhovski, Tonino Picula, Vlatko Marković, Miroslav Blažević, Mirko Filipović, Mišo Kovač, Dino Dvornik. In 2004 the cast of the show starred in a feature film of the same name. On May 5, 2010 the most popular character Zvonimir Levačić - Ševa died at age of 67. Following the death of Ševa, Nightmare Stage formally ended on June 26, 2010, after 18 years of live airing and 878 shows.


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