Let's Play Zone of the Enders 08 - Tyrant & Mountain

Описание к видео Let's Play Zone of the Enders 08 - Tyrant & Mountain

Finally we can approach the next boss Orbital Frame, Tyrant. He's not too tough to beat, but you have to be careful about avoiding his lock-on attack with your Decoy ability, also use caution while avoiding his lasers and charging attack. Most everything in this fight is relatively easy to dodge, but if you let your guard down this guy can rack up damage pretty quickly.

Now that Tyrant is defeated, we can finally make our way to the mountain where ROCK THUNDERHEART will be picking up Jehuty. We need to take a path through the nearby dam to get there however, because yet another boss Orbital Frame, Nebula, is shooting up anything that tries to fly over the mountain area with a giant laser.


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