The Original Instructions: Grandmother Mona Polacca Blue Water - Respect

Описание к видео The Original Instructions: Grandmother Mona Polacca Blue Water - Respect

This is a series of video excerpts from Grandmother Mona Polacca Blue Water.., on the Next Seven Generations, the responsibilities of both Elders & Youth... and how to proceed into the future.

Grandmother Mona Polacca Blue Water
Hopi /Tewa and Havasupai

Spiritual Elder Holy Person Visionary
Social Justice Worker Wisdom Keeper
Native American Revitalization Movement Leader
Teacher Writer Caretaker Of Water
*Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers
Tribe Treasurer Speaker
Alcohol & Substance Abuse Worker
Leader Activist ....and much more..


Some of Grandmother Mona's Quotes:

"Look at the nature, Look at the water, look at this air, look at this fire -- the sun, even. Look at
this earth. We ARE in the 11th hour."]

"Oh Creator, Great Spirit God, we're grateful to you these divine holy elements - the water, the air, this -um fire, this Mother Earth. All these things that give us our everyday life. "

"There needs to be a change in how we behave towards one another and how we conduct our lives and how we treat the environment and there needs to be a connecting of people who share that kind of understanding."

"When I come back into my home, I receive the welcome of my grandmother looking at me. Though I've never met her, I have this connection with her."

"You know, there is something really special about this. Nonnatives so often build a huge bonfire, so big that everyone has to stand back. Natives build a small fire, so that everyone has to come close."

"The youth learn these ways are accessible, not meant to be just seen under glass in a museum where you can only stand and look. Their hands can hold the traditional ways. It's not just our history, but an essential part of our life today."

“My elders said, ‘Know where your water comes from. Know your fire. Know where you are going to find your food.’” Grandmother Mona Polacca, Hopi/Havasupai

"You are not here just for yourself," Grandmother Mona's mother taught her. "Wherever you go, you are a representative of our family ... our tribe, our people."

"Indigenous people have come through a time of great struggle, a time of darkness. The way I look at it is like the nature of a butterfly. In the cocoon, a place of darkness, the creature breaks down into a fluid and then a change, a transformation, takes place. When it is ready and in its own time, it begins to move and develop a form that stretches and breaks away from this cocoon and emerges into this world, into life, as a beautiful creature. We grandmothers, we have emerged from that darkness, see this beauty, see each other and reach out to the world with open arms, with love, hope, compassion, faith and charity."

"We're in a time of many alarming events and life crises that involve the basic elements of life: water, earth, sun, fire and earth--the foundations of life are our concern."

"Leadership is the highest spiritual calling, and as leaders, the starting point begins with you - managing your whole self - by utilizing the spirit that lies within your identity and the strength of your culture."

I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video, music and words expressed in this video...and employ my borrowing of them with much respect and thanks. Credits are given at the end of the video.

No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me..., nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of this video.. It is meant for all.., to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform...and share.

Fair use policy applies for all material used in this video.

I thank Grandmother Mona Polacca Blue Water..;, her entire family..; videosphere..; The 13 Indigenous Grandmothers..;; .... and all the other brothers and sisters who have saved some great photos of Grandmother Mona....

Many Blessings & Thanks..!

Kwakwha / Askwali/ Chi Miigwetch

*Set video to 720p HD, for best viewing.


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