How to Grow Out a Fringe...(and not lose your mind) ✨ MY TIPS!

Описание к видео How to Grow Out a Fringe...(and not lose your mind) ✨ MY TIPS!

One year of fringe growth later 😯 ... and it's pretty much grown out! Here's how I managed to finally do it and resist cutting it back in to escape it's annoying face tickling nonsense.

This won't all be applicable to every hair type, but I hope it helps!

If you have more tips feel free to pop them in the comments below

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Lipstick: Celebrity Skin by Jeffree Star (cause I know you'll ask!) 😘


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Music 🎧
End Screen Music: 'Fuel To Fire by Rani-Leigh Lindquist:

Kevin MacLeod ~ Whiskey on the Mississippi
Music from
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