Sun Damage Packages at Preventous

Описание к видео Sun Damage Packages at Preventous

Up to 80 percent of visible aging is caused by exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays; not by the aging process itself; not by stress, lack of sleep, or too many glasses of wine on more weekdays than we’d like to admit. Those fine lines and age spots are likely damage from the sun. According to the research, only about 23% of lifetime exposure occurs by age 18. The majority of sun exposure occurs between ages 19 and 40; around this time, the signs of hidden damage start to present themselves above the surface, causing many to wonder how to look younger and find the best treatment for sun-damaged skin on the face. If that is your case, you can always count on the Preventous team to build an effective and customized plan to get your glow back.

Call or text 403.229.01529


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