Time Intelligence calculations with Power BI | Community Webinars

Описание к видео Time Intelligence calculations with Power BI | Community Webinars

Time-based analysis and calculations are the most common calculations, but sometimes challenging. In this session, we will discuss and showcase demos about designing a time intelligence pattern and usage of DAX functions to calculate time-based analysis. You will learn about rolling 12 months, usage of functions to change the behavior of analysis, and scripting.

About the speaker: Microsoft Regional Director Reza Rad, is an author, trainer, speaker and consultant. He has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and he has more than 20 years’ experience in data analysis, BI, databases, programming, and development mostly on Microsoft technologies. He is also a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for nine continuous years, from 2011 until now for his dedication in Microsoft BI.

Learn more: https://community.powerbi.com


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