
Описание к видео 【医学】前頭葉機能障害(治療プラグラム・概要)

#医学 #リハビリ #前頭葉機能障害


music : YouTube Audio Library
Sunny Travel - Nico Staf


・Stuss,D.T.(2007). New approaches to prefrontal lobe testing. In B.L.Miller,& J.L. Cummings (Eds.), The fuman frontal lobes : Functions and disorders. New York : The Guilford Press/ pp.292-305.
・Stuss,D.T.(2009).Rehabilitation of frontal lobe dysfunction : A working framework. In M. Oddly, & A. Worthington (Eds.), The rehabilitation of executive disorders ; A guide to theory and practice. Oxford ; Oxford University Press. pp.3-17.
・早川裕子:生活に結びついた遂行機能障害のリハビリテーション. 高次脳機能研究39(2):196-201,2019
・von Cramon, D. Y., Matthes-von Cramon, G. & Mai, N.:Problem-solving deficits in brain-injured patients;a therapeutic approach. Neuropsychol. Rehabil., 1:45-64, 1991.
・von Cramon, D. Y. & Matthes-von Cramon, G.:Reflec- tions on the treatment of a brain-injured patients suffer- ing from problem-solving disorders. Neuropsychol. Re- habil., 2:207-229, 1992.


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