Drag Racing Tips on the GS Suzuki's Terry Vance of Vance & Hines Racing Teach on GS1100 and GS450

Описание к видео Drag Racing Tips on the GS Suzuki's Terry Vance of Vance & Hines Racing Teach on GS1100 and GS450

This Suzuki promotional film, titled " Drag Racing Tips on the GS Suzukis ", was sent to the Suzuki motorcycle dealerships to be used as an in-house commercial. The film highlights Terry Vance himself teaching a new Suzuki owner how to drag race. The film shows drag racing footage on both the GS-450 and GS-1100.
This film came from my personal collection. This film was not downloaded from any website and is not reused content. This restoration is my work. The restoration process started with removing the super8 film from the Technicolor Cartridge. After removal the film was cleaned, repaired, and spooled onto a standard film reel. Next the scanning to digital process was performed on the Retroscan Universal motion picture film scanner in 2k resolution. Then extensive color correction was performed in Davinci Resolve. Finally, the film was converted to a MP4 format for uploading to YouTube.


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