In Sickness As In Health: Helping Couples Cope with the Complexities of Illness

Описание к видео In Sickness As In Health: Helping Couples Cope with the Complexities of Illness

Part of the Healthy Strides Ernest Rosenbaum Cancer Survivorship Lecture Series. Presented by the Cancer Supportive Care Program.
If you're part of a couple, cancer is never a solo flight. When illness and injury occur, the condition resides in one person's body but it is two lives that are dislocated. Barbara Kivowitz expands our sense of what happens to couples when illness becomes the unwanted third partner in the relationship and offers powerful strategies for helping couples live with illness. She discusses how couples can work as a team to best engage their own strengths and the resources of the system; and why, and how, providers should engage the partner in the treatment.
Speaker: Barbara Kivowitz, MSW


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