DELICIOUSLY SOFT beef brisket with Chu Hou Sauce {ENG SUB} ★ 柱候牛腩 簡單做法

Описание к видео DELICIOUSLY SOFT beef brisket with Chu Hou Sauce {ENG SUB} ★ 柱候牛腩 簡單做法

DELICIOUSLY SOFT beef brisket with Chu Hou Sauce {ENG SUB} ★ 柱候牛腩 簡單做法

張媽媽 《柱候牛腩》,香噴噴! 牛腩很淋滑又多膠質! 蘿蔔又香又甜,肉汁配飯一流送飯送麵一流! 希望你們做些和家人一起分享!請Like我的Video和訂閱我的頻道啊! 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友家人。謝謝。

Mama Cheung’s deliciously soft beef brisket with Chu Hou sauce is a winning recipe! Beef brisket is super tender, melts in your mouth! Turnip is soft and sweet too. The sauce goes well with rice and this is a great dish to complement with rice or noodles. I hope you will make some at home and see it for yourself! Please subscribe to my channel, give me a thumbs up and share this recipe to other foodies! Thank you.

*English Voiceover - Daughter Cheung* 💁🏻‍♀️🎙

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#張媽媽 #柱候牛腩 #beefbrisket
更多家常菜食譜影片:   • 張媽媽【家常菜】 Home-style Chinese dishes by...  

Chapter markers for the busy home chefs!

00:00 Introduction
00:54 Beef tendon/brisket
01:03 How to choose a good turnip
02:16 Aromatic ingredients
02:49 Marinade ingredients
03:18 Prepping of beef tendon/brisket
03:31 Prepping of turnip
04:04 Prepping of aromatic bag
04:52 Saute turnip & prepping of soup
05:23 Making Chu Hou beef brisket
09:16 Cooking turnip
09:45 Finishing step s
10:51 Chu Hou beef brisket is ready to serve!
11:00 Mama Cheung's favourite tasting time!
12:36 How to share your food photos with Mama Cheung
12:38 Mama Cheung bloopers & other delicious recipes recommendations

材料 Ingredients:

牛筋腩1.5斤/900g Beef tendon/brisket 900g
白蘿蔔1.5斤/900g Turnip 900g

芫荽籽5克 Coriander seeds 5g
小茴籽5克 Cumin seeds 5g
桂皮兩克 Cinnamon 2g
三粒八角 3 star anise
草果一粒 1 cardamom
甘草一克(可免) 1g liquorice
5-6片香葉 5-6 bay leaves
30克紅蔥頭 30g shallots
兩片厚切薑片 2 thick ginger slices
30克蒜頭 30g garlic cloves

調味料 Marinade

1½湯匙柱候醬或磨豉醬 1.5 TBS Chu Hou sauce/ground bean paste
兩茶匙蠔油 2 tsp oyster sauce
老抽兩茶匙 2 tsp dark soy
三湯匙生抽 3 TBS soy sauce
紹興酒或米酒一湯匙 1 TBS Shaoxing wine or rice wine
冰糖8克 8g rock sugar
少許黑胡椒碎 Some ground black pepper
一茶匙麻油 1 tsp sesame oil

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