St Helena Cloud Forest Project - Year 1 Overview

Описание к видео St Helena Cloud Forest Project - Year 1 Overview

This Year 1 overview of the St Helena Cloud Forest Project, lays out the ambitious objectives of this huge conservation effort to increase the island's cloud forest habitat by 25% and boost its water supply by a fifth.
Coordinating the project is the RSPB, bringing together a dedicated line-up of experts that include the on-island, Peaks Conservation team.
Cloud forests are found in tropical, mountainous regions, where the trees are constantly often surrounded by fog. They cover less than 0.4% of the world’s land area but are home to an estimated 15% of all species.
Over the last 40 years the world's cloud forests have decreased by almost 20%.
St Helena’s cloud forest has declined from an estimated 600 hectares before humans’ arrival on the island (1502) to just 16 hectares today.
This highlights what a vitally important and exciting project is now underway.


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