Beaver Snuggles and Snoozes - June 2024

Описание к видео Beaver Snuggles and Snoozes - June 2024

We admitted a rather unusual patient – a baby North American Beaver! While we do occasionally see beavers at our Center, this is by far one of the youngest we have admitted!
Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers discovered this kit just south of Denver alone, dehydrated, and near a deceased sibling. They trekked the tyke to our facility so our licensed rehabilitation team could assess it and provide a bit of TLC to the orphan.
Once through the vital quarantine process, he’ll be immediately transferred to our partner Pauline S. Schneegas Wildlife Foundation. Young beavers can be lonely when on their own, and we’re fortunate to be able to move him to Schneegas where he can thrive alongside other young beavers, learning vital skills in their large specialized enclosure before returning to the wild once more.
For now, our Animal Care Team has settled him into one of Greenwood’s cozy enclosures, complete with a stuffed companion, some leafy branches to munch, and daily swim time on his own personal beach. We hope this little bucked-tooth buckaroo has a comfy stay with us before he joins his new friends in Silt.


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