Pengganti Opor! Resep Sayur Lodeh Sarden [Gurih Sehat]

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00:00 : intro
01:30 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:33 : mulai menggoreng sarden (frying the sardines)
03:38 : mulai membuat bumbu halus (making the blended spice)
04:17 : mulai memasak (start of cook)
08:38 : hidangan siap dan tahap plating (the dish is ready to plate and serve)


Resep Sayur Lodeh Sarden. Sayur lodeh sering kali menjadi menu favorit sebagian orang. Meskipun cukup sederhana, tetapi rasanya begitu menggugah selera. Sayur lodeh biasanya terdiri dari komposisi sayuran yang beraneka ragam. Sedikit berbeda, di resep ini aku menambahkan sarden. Semakin kaya cita rasa dan praktis tentunya.

Resep Sayur Lodeh Sarden (untuk 10 porsi)

1 kaleng Sarden Yamato

Bumbu halus:
5 siung bawang putih, geprek
5 siung bawang merah, geprek
½ sdt ketumbar
2 kemiri, geprek
1 ruas lengkuas, geprek
3 lembar daun salam

1 buah wortel, iris
5 kacang panjang, potong
1 buah jagung, pipil
1 buah terong ungu, potong
1 papan tempe, potong dadu
50 gr daun tangkil / melinjo
50 gr tangkil / melinjo
1 buah labu siam, potong dadu
5 buah cabai hijau, iris
1 bungkus sohun, rendam air panas
150 ml santan
1200 ml air
1 sdm garam
2 sdm gula
1 sdt merica

1. Tiriskan sarden di atas tisu, panaskan api dan beri sedikit tepung agar tidak meletup-letup kemudian goreng ikan hingga kering lalu tiriskan
2. Blender bumbu halus dengan sedikit minyak kemudian tumis dengan lengkuas dan salam hingga wangi dan kering lalu tambahkan air
3. Masukkan wortel, kacang panjang, jagung, terong, tempe, melinjo, daun melinjo, labu siam, dan cabai hijau, rebus hingga empuk dan matang
4. Masukkan sarden yang sudah digoreng dan santan, bumbui dengan gula, garam, dan merica aduk rata
5. Masukkan sohun, matikan api
6. Sayur Lodeh Sarden siap disajikan

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Easy and Budget-Friendly: Sayur Lodeh with Sardines Recipe [Complete]

Sayur Lodeh is considered a favorite menu for many people. Though it is quite simple, the flavor is very mouthwatering. Sayur Lodeh usually consists of many types of vegetables. This recipe is a bit different as I added some sardines. It makes the dish even more flavorful and practical.

Sayur Lodeh with Sardines Recipe (yield: 10 servings)

1 can Yamato Sardines

Blended Spice:
5 clove garlic, pounded
5 pc shallots, pounded
1/2 tsp coriander
2 pc candlenuts, pounded
3 pc bay leaves

1 pc carrot, sliced
5 pc long beans, sliced
1 pc corn, shaved
1 pc eggplant, sliced
1 pc Tempeh, diced
50 g Melinjo leaves
50 g Melinjo
1 pc Chayote, diced
5 pc green chili, sliced
1 pack vermicelli, soaked in hot water
150 ml coconut milk
1200 ml water
1 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp pepper

1. Dry the sardines on a paper towel. Heat the oil and sprinkle a bit of flour so it won't splash too much and fry the sardines until they're crisp. Set aside.
2. Blend the spices with a bit of oil, then sauté with the galangal and bay leaves until fragrant and reduced. Then, add some water.
3. Add the carrot, long bean, corn, eggplant, tempeh, melinjo, melinjo leaves, chayote, and green chili. Boil until they're soft and cooked.
4. Add the fried sardines and coconut milk. Season with sugar, salt, and pepper. Mix well.
5. Add the vermicelli in and turn the heat off.
6. Sayur Lodeh with Sardines is ready to serv


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