Sherlock & Molly| Emotional Context.

Описание к видео Sherlock & Molly| Emotional Context.

"Emotional Context,Sherlock! It destroys you every time"
(watch it on 1080pp!)
Hey smiles boys and girls welcome with a new vid but this time about the tv show Sherlock and in particular one of the couple that I love the most in this series: the Sherlolly (Sherlock + Molly).
I really loved the evolution that this couple have around the series: first it was a love to one side, than they became friends and treat each other with more respect (Sherlock treats her like a person and no more like an object) and the it came the Final Problem ...

It's really a different vid from the one that I did and it was really hard to do a summary about they're complex relationship.
Anyway, let me know what you think in the comment section.
Also don't forget if you enjoy to leave me a like and to subscribe to the channel for be updated about my latest video.
Have a great day!

Song: at the end of the vid
Show: at the end of the vid
Colouring and editing: mine
#fanvidfeed #sherlock #sherlolly #emotionalcontext #benedictcumberbatch

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