[English subtitle] 房价还崩盘不崩盘了?再聊房产投资点位|风险在哪里|几个小额房产投资选项|Ark7 | Bay area housing

Описание к видео [English subtitle] 房价还崩盘不崩盘了?再聊房产投资点位|风险在哪里|几个小额房产投资选项|Ark7 | Bay area housing

本期视频再来聊聊房产投资。距离上次的房价预测差不多正好过去了半年,来看看上次预测的效果。之后我们会继续讨论个人认为适合考虑投资湾区房产的点位,讲讲投资的风险在哪里,有没有其他alternative投资的方式。特别介绍一个非常有创意的新型金融科技公司Ark 7和他们的运营方式。


In this video, let's talk about real estate investment. It's been about six months since the last housing price prediction. Let's take a look at the accuracy of the previous prediction. Afterwards, we will continue discussing the suitable points to consider for investing in properties in the Bay Area, talk about the risks involved in investing, and explore alternative investment methods. We will also give a special introduction to a highly innovative financial technology company called Ark 7 and their operating methods.

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