The Gita: | Chapter - 5: Shloka: 23 ‪@GitaDemystified‬

Описание к видео The Gita: | Chapter - 5: Shloka: 23 ‪@GitaDemystified‬

The Gita: | Chapter - 5: Shloka: 23 ‪‪@GitaDemystified‬

शक्नोतीहैव यः सोढुं प्राक्शरीरविमोक्षणात्।
कामक्रोधोद्भवं वेगं स युक्तः स सुखी नरः।।23।।

विषय¬¬ – काम-क्रोध के वेग को सहन कर सकने वाले मनुष्य को योगी
तथा सुखी बतलाने संबंधी कथन -

##Bhagavad Gita
#Bhagvad Gita
#The Gita
#daily bhagavad gita
#bhagavad gita advice
#Geeta inspiration
#bhagavad gita lessons
#understanding the gita
#Bhagavad Gita - a journey to the learnings
#Holy Bhagavad Gita
#Swami Mukundananda
#Bhakti Lectures
#Acharya Prashant
#in bhagavad gita
#life lessons from bhagavad gita
#learn bhagavad gita

The knowledge contained in the Bhagavad Gita was preached by Lord Krishna more than 5000 years ago to inspire his dear disciple Arjuna who was utterly confused on the path of his duty. In my four decades of study of this great ancient scripture, I find the knowledge is as relevant today for the common man in his day-to-day life as it was thousands of years ago. Therefore, I will present one shloka of the Bhagavad Gita daily, explaining its importance in our daily struggles. I earnestly hope this endeavor will help people worldwide face life's ups and downs with equanimity, perform their duties wholeheartedly, and attain peace and divine blissfulness.


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