The U-Boat And The Rocket | Full Documentary

Описание к видео The U-Boat And The Rocket | Full Documentary

During World War II, the Germans had two deadly weapons in their arsenal — the U-Boat and the V-2 rocket. The new documentary film THE U-BOAT AND THE ROCKET chronicles the wartime development of the V-2, which was the world’s first long-range guided ballistic missile, and Germany’s attempts to deploy the weapon from its formidable U-Boats. Woven into this history is the tale of two German brothers who were each involved with the secretive mission for the Third Reich. Ernst Steinhoff was Wernher von Braun’s assistant for guidance control on the V-2, and Friedrich Steinhoff was a U-boat captain-lieutenant.

Rich with archival footage and interviews with historical experts, THE U-BOAT AND THE ROCKET recounts Germany's creation and testing of the rocket, and the story of the two brothers who ultimately met different fates at the end of the war. Ernst and Wernher von Braun were invited to come to the U.S. in Operation Paperclip, the secret United States intelligence program which employed German scientists after Germany surrendered. Both Ernst and von Braun were subsequently inaugurated in the International Space Hall of Fame as pioneers of the Space Age. For Friedrich, the outcome was very different. After surrendering his U-Boat, he was brutally interrogated by US naval agents and allegedly committed suicide in a New England prison.

Directors John J. Michalczyk, Susan A. Michalczyk
Narrator Michael Resler

Licensed by 4Digital Media from, Eastern Educational Television Network, Inc. APT Worldwide


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