Excavator Cat 320GC Next generation Layar Monitor tidak mau mati

Описание к видео Excavator Cat 320GC Next generation Layar Monitor tidak mau mati

Permasalahan layar monitor pada excavator Cat 320gc next generation tidak mau mati.
Sebenarnya permasalahan ini tidak terlalu mengganggu kinerja excavator, karena bisa saja dimatikan melalui cut off battery ketika selesai operasi.
hanya saja ketika suatu saat operator lupa mematikan switch cut off battery maka battery akan kehabisan energi listriknya karena disini tidak hanya layar monitor itu yang hidup.
dan merepotkan ketika akan menghidupkan excavator kembali.

The monitor screen problem on the Cat 320gc next generation excavator won't turn off. Actually, this problem does not really interfere with the excavator's performance, because it can be turned off through the cut off battery when the operation is complete. it's just that when one day the operator forgets to turn off the cut off battery switch, the battery will run out of electrical energy because here not only the monitor screen is alive. and troublesome when going to turn the excavator back on.



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