Gaming Music Mix Weekly #01 | Life is GG

Описание к видео Gaming Music Mix Weekly #01 | Life is GG

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🎧 Songs:

00:00 - 02:47 "Goblins from Mars | Apollo 69"
   • Goblins from Mars | Apollo 69  

02:48 - 05:32 "Fareoh - Under Water"
   • Fareoh - Under Water  

05:34 - 09:49 "Grax & Miza - Save Me Now"
   • Grax & Miza - Save Me Now  

09:50 - 13:37 "SunnYz - Victory"
   • SunnYz - Victory  

13:38 - 16:45 "NIVIRO - The Ghost"
   • NIVIRO - The Ghost  

16:46 - 20:01 "Helion | Virulence"
   • Helion | Virulence  

20:02 - 24:01 "Mike Chino - Collapse"
   • Mike Chino - Collapse  

24:02 - 28:13 "Au5 - Closer (feat. Danyka Nadeau)"
   • Au5 - Closer (feat. Danyka Nadeau)  

28:14 - 32:41 "Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart"
   • Different Heaven & EH!DE - My Heart  


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