The WILD COFFEELOCK - BG3 Honor Mode Build Guide - Sorcerer / Warlock

Описание к видео The WILD COFFEELOCK - BG3 Honor Mode Build Guide - Sorcerer / Warlock

The Coffeelock never sleeps! And they blast like NOBODY'S BUSINESS! Do damage! Be surprisingly tanky! Stay up all night like you're 15 again!

Perfect for Wyll or a main character to deal incredible damage, have all the best goodies of a sorcerer, and be the best character in the game at abusing Darkness, one of the best defensive mechanics available!

This character uses Wild Magic Sorcerer and Great Old One Pact of the Chain Warlock to get some of the best damage output in the game incredibly safely, all while adding the full magical arsenal of a sorcerer to your party - all day long and several times a turn!

0:00 Intro and Thank Yous
0:46 Why "Coffeelock?"
2:03 Level 1 Build and Spell Selection
9:15 Warlock Dip and Subclass Selection
11:25 Invocation Selection
13:45 Subclass Selection and level 2 spells
15:29 Metamagic Selection
19:06 Feat Selection
20:35 Level 3 Spells
23:26 Level 4 Spells
24:56 Feat Selection
26:08 Level 5 Spells
28:54 Gear, Combat Turn, and Average Damage


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