Detroit: Become Human // Vine/Instagram Edits

Описание к видео Detroit: Become Human // Vine/Instagram Edits

ik it says vine edits but, views sweetie ;) anywhO, if you like detroit become human and you enjoyed watching the edits i found from instagram, please let me know if yall want a part 2!!

if any of you want to know a song or an editor of one of the edits, please comment. but try not to be too disappointed if i dont know the song or editor. i may know the editor since i've found the edits, but i most likely will not know the song because i didn't make the edit. try using shazam or google the lyrics you hear.


my instagram accounts:

my spam: @deanie.themeanie
my supernatural edits: @cas_sinchester

(if you need me, please dm me on one of those accounts)


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