Supreme Court Declares Electoral Bonds Unconstitutional | Explained by Anubhav Saransh

Описание к видео Supreme Court Declares Electoral Bonds Unconstitutional | Explained by Anubhav Saransh

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In February 2024, A five-judge constitution bench of the Supreme Court declared that the electoral bond scheme which facilitated anonymous political donations, was unconstitutional.

Electoral bonds are instruments/securities that are used to donate funds to political parties. Electoral Bonds may be purchased by a person who is a citizen of India or incorporated or established in India. A person being an individual can buy Electoral Bonds, either singly or jointly with other individuals. Introduced with the Finance Bill 2017, Electoral bonds are instruments/securities that are used to donate funds to political parties. The Electoral Bonds were notified in the year 2018. These bonds are on the lines of bearer bonds or promissory notes wherein the issuer (bank) is the custodian and pays the one who holds the bonds (political party). While declaring the scheme unconstitutional, the SC underscored that the scheme violates the right to information under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constitution.

In this video, we will discuss the following topics in depth:

What is the Electoral bond scheme? When was the Electoral Bond Scheme introduced? Why was the Electoral Bond Scheme declared unconstitutional? What are the implications of the SC verdict? What did the Supreme Court say on the Electoral Bond scheme? What is the SC verdict on the Electoral Bond Scheme? What implications does the verdict by the SC have on the right to information of the electorate, freedom of speech and expression and participatory democracy? For answers to these questions and much more, watch this video.

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